Linguaglossa is a town in Sicily, located on the northern side of Mount Etna. It is built on the black earth of past eruptions. The volcanic soil is difficult to farm, yet the locals have found a way to use the earth's fertile ash to produce arguably the world’s best produce. The LAVA ristorante is a tribute to those that have thrived in harsh conditions. It is here for people to come together and share stories of good times and bad. We want to create heartwarming Italian cuisine and an environment that is welcoming and homely.

Just like Nonna's house.


In 1956 many Italians migrated to Australia in search of a better life. Michael Santoro was a 4-year-old boy at the time, in this amazing country, he was able to grow, develop and have a family of his own. LAVA is a tribute to the culture that he left behind. This ristorante is a place that symbolises the traditional way that Italians once gathered to share their stories and their dreams.


OUR future

We are living in changing times and connection with people has never been more important. We hope to provide a place in the community where people can unwind, be themselves and communicate. We at Lava believe that anything is possible when people work together. We want nothing but happiness for those that walk through our doors.